Feature request: Audio signal triggering cues

Started by SynthKeyWizard, September 02, 2022, 05:42:16 PM

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I just tried to do some test with the audio trigger in v214, but i can't get it to work.
I have set the audio trigger patch, and add a control cue to enable audio trigger target to an audio cue, press go on the control cue, trying to yell at the microphone but nothing happened.
Am I doing anything wrong?
Also it would be nice to be able to trigger a control cue with audio trigger to do ducking.


What percentage did you set Production Properties > Audio > Triggers > Threshold to?


Quote from: David on August 29, 2024, 10:59:17 AMWhat percentage did you set Production Properties > Audio > Triggers > Threshold to?
Just tried 5, 10, 20 , 80.
non working. i can see my mic signal from the win system property.
I have an audio cue, a control cue with Audio Trigger Enable , targeted to the Audio cue and Audio Trigger selected 1 .
Production properties audio triggers added a patch with the audio device to microphone array and 5% threshold , 0 lock out 0 time out .
and I tried GO the control cue and yelling to the microphone .

Am i doing the correct order?


Maybe try 1% as the threshold with a lockout time of 0.1 seconds.