Integrated RTSP viewer

Started by Gorsky, October 23, 2023, 07:42:17 PM

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First off, love the program and couldn't live without it.
My use case might be quite unique, so I have no idea if anyone else might want this kind of feature.
I almost always have a VLC open on top of Multiplay to look at live camera footage. The way I set this up, I set a screen are to be "Video preview" (just as a placeholder, with no UI) and then manually position VLC on top of that screen area with "always on top" flag set.

I would love if you could view RTSP stream inside Multiplay. I don't mean to use it inside Multiplay as a video source, but as view only. A visual aid so technician can see what is happening on stage more conveniently 

It is probably a substantial amount of work, but I am curious if anybody else would find this kind of feature useful.


I know next to nothing about RTSP yet, but from what I've read it may be possible to have a viewer window for an RTSP stream with the new video components I'm looking at.

What's the easiest way to generate an RTSP stream  for testing? I'd use VLC to confirm the stream source to start with.


If you have an android phone, "IP Webcam" app streams your camera via RTSP


I just did a brief test with VCL and IP Webcam but there seems to be a massive latency (~ 60 seconds).


The performance is not amazing with the app, but 60 seconds is huge.
I just tried and I get latency of a few seconds (with normal consumer IP cameras 1s latency is about what you can expect)

In app I changed nothing, just scrolled to the bottom and clicked "Start server"
In VLC I clicked Media -> Open Network stream. Entered this URL rtsp:// Also checked Show more options and set Catching to 0 ms

Edit: To be clear for everyone, you need to use your own ip and port, it is written on bottom of screen after starting the RTSP server


I'll have another play when I can, possibly with a security camera.


Hello David!

We have an idea which we could use for future events. Where we would like to use OBS to combine the feed from 2 cameras we have on stage and output this as an RTSP stream (or RTMP if the latency is low enough), and would like to be able to display this in one of the video windows we have (a projector on monitor 2).

One thing you could try if this is something interesting, (to test out implementing RTSP/RTMP) is using OBS Studio on a different system, and using either an RTSP plugin or an RTMPplugin to test it out.

For our own setup, all devices are hardwired using Ethernet into the same switch, that's the reason I also say RTMP, since it's supposedly higher quality, so latency (hopefully) wouldn't be an issue.

Hope this helps!

Edit: A quick answer to my own question, is a cue type that displays on the video window from a HTTP link, like a website, or in this case instead of any old link like An IP and port to view an RTMP/RTSP stream. e.g. '' as is our case with OBS!