Cue Advance > Target > -- Show End -- broken after save.

Started by allsorts, April 16, 2024, 05:18:22 AM

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Just sarted playing with Multiplay and think I've found a bug (v3.0.214.0):

Open a new production, enter a couple of audio cues, set Cue Advance > Action to StartAdvance or EndAdvance and Target to "-- Show End --". Play the cue and the next cue markers jump to the Show End line as appropiate. Save the production, reload it and the Advance column now reads "Advance target is not specified" and the cue  won't play. Niether it, or any other cue, can now be reset/set to Target "-- Show End --".



Bug found and fixed for the v215 release. If only they were all that easy to fix!